Privacy policy

Terms of use and privacy policy for the Alertswiss website and app

Alertswiss app

1. Terms of access and use for the Alertswiss app

By accessing the Alertswiss app, users confirm that they have understood and agree to the following terms of use and legal information in relation to Alertswiss (and the elements contained therein). Users who disagree with these terms and conditions are kindly asked to refrain from using the Alertswiss app.

2. Purpose of Alertswiss / Disclaimer

Alertswiss aims to provide information on the precautionary measures that members of the public can take in respect to disasters and emergencies, and to support the authorities in respect of alerting the public and incident communication.

While the federal authorities take the utmost care to ensure the correctness of all information published, they may not be held liable for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-date nature, reliability and comprehensiveness of this content. The federal authorities expressly reserve the right to completely or partially modify, delete or temporarily not publish content at any time and without prior notice. The federal authorities may not be held liable for material or immaterial damage that results from the access, use or non-use of the published information, as well as the abuse of the internet connection or technical faults.

Users fully recognise that all forms of incident communication (“information”, “warning”, “alerting”) which appear on the AlertSwiss website are released by the competent agency concerned (cantonal command and control/cantonal police; National Emergency Operations Centre), and are automatically transmitted to and published on the AlertSwiss website. Despite the adoption of best practices in terms of security and data integrity protection, the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) may not be held responsible for this content and its correctness. Any action taken on the basis of the information published on the Alertswiss website shall be at the users’ own risk.

This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.

3. Features and functioning of Alertswiss

The Federal Office for Civil Protection assumes no responsibility, and does not offer any guarantee that the feature and functions of Alertswiss will be available on a permanent and uninterrupted basis and will be free of errors, that errors will be rectified, or that the website’s server shall be free of viruses or harmful components.

4. Links

References and links to websites of third parties are not the responsibility of the federal authorities. Users access and use such websites at their own risk. The federal authorities expressly state that they have no influence whatever on the design and content of linked websites, or on the services offered on them. Responsibility for the information and services of linked websites rests entirely with the third party concerned.

No responsibility whatsoever shall be accepted for such websites.

5. Copyright and other property rights

Copyright of the federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation.

The information published on the federal authorities’ websites and apps is made accessible to the general public. No rights regarding the contents are granted by downloading or copying data, pictures, photographs or other files.

Copyrights and other rights pertaining to contents, pictures, photographs or other files published on the federal authorities’ websites remain the exclusive property of the current legal owners. Written consent of the copyright owners is required for the reproduction of any element.

Content may be shared with third parties, but only in excerpt form, free of charge and with minimal reference to the source ‘Source:’. The presentation of this website in third-party frames is only permissible with written consent. The content is licensed under a Swiss creative commons license.

License:  Designation – non-commercial sharing under equal conditions 2.5 Switzerland (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5)  (in German only)

6. Data protection

On the basis of Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the Confederation’s legal provisions pertaining to data protection, everyone is entitled to the protection of their privacy and from abuse of their personal data. The federal authorities observe these provisions. All personal data is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and shall be neither sold nor disclosed to third parties.

We work closely with our hosting providers to ensure that our databases are protected as best as possible from unauthorized access, loss, abuse or falsification.

It is possible that personal data is collected on the Alertswiss website, namely the information which users enter into the emergency plan. This data shall be stored locally, i.e. solely on the user’s device, unless the user knowingly transmits this information to a third party.

The following data is saved as log files when the Alertswiss website is accessed: IP address, date, time, browser enquiry and general information transmitted regarding the operating system or browser. Such user data forms the basis for anonymous statistical evaluations so that trends can be recognized, which in turn enable the federal authorities to improve their services correspondingly. According to the Federal Act on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic (SPTA) operators are obliged to save connection data for six months. If you contact us voluntarily, your e-mail address is added to a separate database which is not linked to the anonymous log files. You may cancel your registration whenever you wish to.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection manages miscellaneous accounts and profiles on social networks (including X (formerTwitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram, etc.), its own YouTube channels and various apps. These pages and services are offered and operated by third parties. All of these pages have their own data protection provisions.In addition, third-party services, such as those provided by YouTube, X (formerTwitter), Google Maps, Google Ads, Google Custom Search, Instagram, etc., are directly embedded into individual Alertswiss web pages. These providers also use cookies, etc. When they use the relevant Alertswiss web pages, the user’s data is automatically transmitted to these companies. In such cases, the data protection provisions of the provider concerned expressly apply. Users must be aware that data is collected via these services and may also be passed on to third parties. If users also have an account with the service concerned, the operator may assign the information transmitted directly to the personal account concerned.

Alertswiss has no influence over the collection of data or its further use by these operators. The Federal Administration has no knowledge of how much data they store, where they store it and how long, the extent to which they comply with duties to erase data, the analyses they make of the data, the links they make to the data and to whom they pass on the data.

The most important third-party services Alertswiss uses are:

  • YouTube: As soon as you call up a Federal Administration webpage that has a YouTube video embedded in it, a connection is established with the YouTube servers, and plug-ins from YouTube (YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA; subsidiary of Google LLC) are used from time to time. YouTube receives information on which page was visited from which IP address.
  • X (former Twitter): X, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103. For further information on how Twitter handles user data, please consult its Privacy Policy and its Cookies guidelines.
  • Bitly: Bitly is a URL shortening service. Bitly, Inc. is based in New York, USA. You will find further information on how Bitly handles user data at Bitly Privacy Policy.
  • Google reCaptcha: Under the name reCaptcha, Google LLC operates services that may recognise and prevent automated actions on websites. Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

7. Submissions/comments

By transmitting unrequested texts and pictures (manuscripts, reader’s letters, storage media, blog posts, photographs etc.), the authors concerned consent to their publication on the website. The FOCP reserves the right to shorten or modify submitted texts.

The FOCP provides no guarantee for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-date nature, reliability and comprehensiveness of published texts and pictures. Unsolicited texts and pictures shall not be paid for even if they are published on the website. All submitted material will neither be returned nor kept.

Topical, factual remarks that are phrased in a friendly manner are welcome. does not accept any responsibility for trackbacks or links contained in the comments section. We delete comments that advertise, are offensive or illegal.

8. Error analysis

In order to improve the Alertswiss app, anonymous data about technical errors are collected using the error/crash monitoring of the open-source software Sentry (self-hosted).

By accessing Alertswiss, users declare that they have read and agree to the present terms of use and privacy policy. Questions about the Terms of use and privacy policycan be directed to the Federal Office for Civil Protection using the contact form: Contact

Alertswiss website

1. Terms of access and use for the Alertswiss website

By accessing Alertswiss, users confirm that they have understood and agree to the following terms of use and legal information in relation to Alertswiss (and the elements contained therein). Users who disagree with these terms and conditions are kindly asked to refrain from using the Alertswiss website.

2. Purpose of Alertswiss / Disclaimer

Alertswiss aims to provide information on the precautionary measures that members of the public can take in respect to disasters and emergencies, and to support the authorities in respect of alerting the public and incident communication.

While the federal authorities take the utmost care to ensure the correctness of all information published, they may not be held liable for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-date nature, reliability and comprehensiveness of this content. The federal authorities expressly reserve the right to completely or partially modify, delete or temporarily not publish content at any time and without prior notice. The federal authorities may not be held liable for material or immaterial damage that results from the access, use or non-use of the published information, as well as the abuse of the internet connection or technical faults.

Users fully recognise that all forms of incident communication (“information”, “warning”, “alerting”) which appear on the AlertSwiss website are released by the competent agency concerned (cantonal command and control/cantonal police; National Emergency Operations Centre), and are automatically transmitted to and published on the AlertSwiss website. Despite the adoption of best practices in terms of security and data integrity protection, the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) may not be held responsible for this content and its correctness. Any action taken on the basis of the information published on the Alertswiss website shall be at the users’ own risk.

This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.

3. Features and functioning of Alertswiss

The Federal Office for Civil Protection assumes no responsibility, and does not offer any guarantee that the feature and functions of the Alertswiss website will be available on a permanent and uninterrupted basis and will be free of errors, that errors will be rectified, or that the website’s server shall be free of viruses or harmful components.

4. Links

References and links to websites of third parties are not the responsibility of the federal authorities. Users access and use such websites at their own risk. The federal authorities expressly state that they have no influence whatever on the design and content of linked websites, or on the services offered on them. Responsibility for the information and services of linked websites rests entirely with the third party concerned.

No responsibility whatsoever shall be accepted for such websites.

5. Copyright and other property rights

Copyright of the federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation.

The information published on the federal authorities’ websites and apps is made accessible to the general public. No rights regarding the contents are granted by downloading or copying data, pictures, photographs or other files.

Copyrights and other rights pertaining to contents, pictures, photographs or other files published on the federal authorities’ websites remain the exclusive property of the current legal owners. Written consent of the copyright owners is required for the reproduction of any element.

Content may be shared with third parties, but only in excerpt form, free of charge and with minimal reference to the source ‘Source:’. The presentation of this website in third-party frames is only permissible with written consent. The content is licensed under a Swiss creative commons license.

License:  Designation – non-commercial sharing under equal conditions 2.5 Switzerland (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5)  (in German only)

6. Data protection

On the basis of Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the Confederation’s legal provisions pertaining to data protection, everyone is entitled to the protection of their privacy and from abuse of their personal data. The federal authorities observe these provisions. All personal data is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and shall be neither sold nor disclosed to third parties.

We work closely with our hosting providers to ensure that our databases are protected as best as possible from unauthorized access, loss, abuse or falsification.

It is possible that personal data is collected on the Alertswiss app, namely the information which users enter into the emergency plan. This data shall be stored locally, i.e. solely on the user’s device, unless the user knowingly transmits this information to a third party.

Users can register to receive push notifications via the Alertswiss app. As a result, the user’s device “subscribes”, by means of an anonymous token from Apple or Google, to the corresponding channel. Users can configure the subscription by selecting the cantons for which they wish to receive these notifications and their current location (cf. following section); this information is then stored on the Alertswiss server.

For app versions from 2.11:
The subscription configuration consists of the favourite cantons and the canton where the device is located (see following section), if notifications for the location are desired. This option is only activated if the user expressly agrees to the use of push notifications in the app. If so, the user will be informed by Apple or Google when a notification is published for a favourite canton or the canton where the device is located. The use of Apple's Push Notification Service or Google Cloud Messaging Services requires the processing of personal data by the aforementioned companies.Users can consent to the use of location services via the Alertswiss app. In doing so, they will be able to receive notifications and reports about their current location. In order to achieve this, the mobile phone is registered to the canton where it is located. The mobile phone system actively detects when it is no longer in the same canton. It automatically registers the new canton and reconfigures the subscription settings. The precise positioning data remains exclusively on the device and is not disclosed to Alertswiss.

For app versions before 2.11:
The subscription configuration consists of the favourite cantons and the area where the device is located (see following section), if notifications for the location are desired. This option is only activated if the user expressly agrees to the use of push notifications in the app. If so, the user will be informed by Apple or Google when a notification is published for a favourite canton or the area where the device is located. The use of Apple's Push Notification Service or Google Cloud Messaging Services requires the processing of personal data by the aforementioned companies.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection has no access to the personal data of Alertswiss users.

The Alertswiss app contains links to the Alertswiss website and other websites.

The following data is saved as log files when the Alertswiss website is accessed: IP address, date, time, browser enquiry and general information transmitted regarding the operating system or browser. Such user data forms the basis for anonymous statistical evaluations so that trends can be recognized, which in turn enable the federal authorities to improve their services correspondingly. According to the Federal Act on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic (SPTA) operators are obliged to save connection data for six months. If you contact us voluntarily, your e-mail address is added to a separate database which is not linked to the anonymous log files. You may cancel your registration whenever you wish to.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection manages miscellaneous accounts and profiles on social networks (including X (formerTwitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram, etc.), its own YouTube channels and various apps. These pages and services are offered and operated by third parties. All of these pages have their own data protection provisions.In addition, third-party services, such as those provided by YouTube, X (formerTwitter), Google Maps, Google Ads, Google Custom Search, Instagram, etc., are directly embedded into individual Alertswiss web pages. These providers also use cookies, etc. When they use the relevant Alertswiss web pages, the user’s data is automatically transmitted to these companies. In such cases, the data protection provisions of the provider concerned expressly apply. Users must be aware that data is collected via these services and may also be passed on to third parties. If users also have an account with the service concerned, the operator may assign the information transmitted directly to the personal account concerned.

Alertswiss has no influence over the collection of data or its further use by these operators. The Federal Administration has no knowledge of how much data they store, where they store it and how long, the extent to which they comply with duties to erase data, the analyses they make of the data, the links they make to the data and to whom they pass on the data.

The most important third-party services Alertswiss uses are:

  • YouTube: As soon as you call up a Federal Administration webpage that has a YouTube video embedded in it, a connection is established with the YouTube servers, and plug-ins from YouTube (YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA; subsidiary of Google LLC) are used from time to time. YouTube receives information on which page was visited from which IP address.
  • X (former Twitter): X, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103. For further information on how Twitter handles user data, please consult its Privacy Policy and its Cookies guidelines.
  • Bitly: Bitly is a URL shortening service. Bitly, Inc. is based in New York, USA. You will find further information on how Bitly handles user data at Bitly Privacy Policy.
  • Google reCaptcha: Under the name reCaptcha, Google LLC operates services that may recognise and prevent automated actions on websites. Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

7. Submissions/comments

By transmitting unrequested texts and pictures (manuscripts, reader’s letters, storage media, blog posts, photographs etc.), the authors concerned consent to their publication on the website. The FOCP reserves the right to shorten or modify submitted texts.

The FOCP provides no guarantee for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-date nature, reliability and comprehensiveness of published texts and pictures. Unsolicited texts and pictures shall not be paid for even if they are published on the website. All submitted material will neither be returned nor kept.

Topical, factual remarks that are phrased in a friendly manner are welcome. does not accept any responsibility for trackbacks or links contained in the comments section. We delete comments that advertise, are offensive or illegal.

If you complete a form on our website (e.g. a contact form), we process the data that you provide us to the extent that this is required to fulfil the purpose of processing or to deal with your request. Normally any information we receive is provided on a voluntary basis. Obligatory fields are only marked as such if the information is required in order to fulfil our statutory duty or to deal with your request or enquiry. These data are erased when the statutory retention period expires at the latest.

8. Web analysis

Alertswiss uses the Matomo software solution as standard for web analysis not related to specific persons. The purpose of this procedure is to aid the further development and improvement of our services. Matomo is hosted by the federal authorities and their service providers. The use of Matomo means that data does not flow to third parties but remains entirely in the possession of the federal authorities.

By accessing Alertswiss, users declare that they have read and agree to the present terms of use and privacy policy. Questions about the Terms of use and privacy policycan be directed to the Federal Office for Civil Protection using the contact form: Contact